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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Mzu_drv.sys Undesirable Program!

This file has been identified as a program that is undesirable to have running on your computer. This consists of programs that are misleading, harmful, or undesirable. The description is Trojan. MZU_DRV-Rootkit Process.

Trojans are programs that can appear to serve a legitimate purpose but actually have an unwanted or harmful effect.

A large segment of Trojan programs download other harmful software components to a user's PC without his/her knowledge.

The blue screen is caused by a driver or a recently installed program. Remember that these are caused mostly by downloaded and installed application that is considered to be adware or spyware. If a blue screen appears, message prompts to the “blue screen” caused by mzu_drv.sys or other related rootkit processess.

What can you do?

This unwanted program can be solved by setting up your computer to safe mode and performing a registry scan of an antivirus and antispyware program. Search antispyware programs that really intends to delete the rootkit processes running on your computer. Some other processes though can be done manually.

1.Go to start menu then choose search.
2.Choose all files and folders.
3.Type in "mzu" (without the quotation marks)in the search box. These will display a file name mzu. Delete it.

Related files to mzu_drv.sys

icnkeepr.exe mm.exe fsched.exe scanreg32.com wintmp.exe qi00tbz.exe mxs.exemsn.msn spcvls.exe vcmain.exe explorere.exe stisvsq1.exe boot.vbsconfig_.com radio.exe tacelmgr.exe sswizard.exe ruby14.exekernel32.exe winligom.exe sysbot.exe yahoopops.exe random-filename nava32.exe wscntfx.exe ynavmrcd.exe g_server.exezykheptd.sys mccitrayapp.exe arrdt.exe omniscient.exe avbgle.exeremoved.exe n20050308.exe adslcomdos.exe diskmon.exemsvchost.exe winhlp3.exe saskatcw.exe gbtray.exe lcd32.exe read.exewdfmgr32.exe

The blue screen is caused by a driver or a recently installed program. Remember that these are caused mostly by downloaded and installed application. If a blue screen appears, message prompts to the “blue screen” caused by mzu_drv.sys or other related root kit process.

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